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Center For Teacher Quality

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Welcome To The Center For Teacher Quality


The Computer Science Teacher Fellowship in partnership with Microsoft TechSpark, Amazon Future Engineer’s BootUp PD and JSU’s College of Education and Human Development is established to increase the number of certified K-5 computer science teachers in the Jackson metro area. 8 pre-service teachers at JSU will be selected to join the fellowship. Each fellow will receive professional development through BootUp PD, a nonprofit professional development provider. The fellows will put into practice the knowledge and skills they develop by teaching at one of the 4 summer school sites: Operation Shoestring, The Bean Path, Young Futurist Project, Boys & Girls Club of Central MS. The fellows will receive a stipend at the end of the summer teaching. If interested, please complete the application at the following link. Applicants must be JSU junior or senior education majors.

Deadline to apply is January 3, 2023. Must use your JSU Google Email login credentials to access application.


**The Spring 2023 Teacher Education Applications Deadline has been extended to Tuesday, January 3, 2023**

**The Spring 2023 Student Teaching Application Deadline has been extended to Tuesday, January 3,2023**


Formerly recognized as the Office of Professional and Field-based Experiences the Center for Teacher Quality oversees the Teacher Education Programs (TEP) at the undergraduate and graduate levels.  The Center for Teacher Quality coordinates all aspects of teacher education. Our work is informed by the belief that public education is critical to creating and sustaining a political and social democracy. We believe that schools, universities, and communities must engage in simultaneous and collaborative renewal in order to make our vision for education a reality.


Jackson State University’s College of Education & Human Development offer the following approved licensure programs:


Approved Degree Programs

(B)Bachelor  (M)Masters  (S)Specialist  (D)Doctorate

Administration K-12 (M, S, D)

Child Development (M) Can only be added to an existing license 

Elementary K-3 (B) 

 Elementary K-6 (B) 

 English 7-12 (B, M) 

 Guidance Counselor K-12 (M) 

 Health Education K-12 (B) 

Hearing Impaired K-12 (M) 

 Mathematics 7-12 (B) 

 Music Ed Choral K-12 (B) 

 Music Ed Instrumental K-12 (B) 

 Physical Education K-12 (B) 

 Physics 7-12 (B) 

Psychometry K-12 (S)

Reading K-12 (M)

 Social Studies 7-12 (B)

SPED-Mild/Mod. Dis. K-12 (B)

 Visually Impaired (M) K-12 


Approved Supplemental Endorsements

(Can only be added to an initial license) 

Computer Applications K-12

 Driver’s Education 7-12 

English as Second Language K-12

 Gifted Education K-12  

Health Education K-12 

 Reading K-12 

SPED- Emotional Disability K-12

SPED-Mild/Mod Disability K-8 

SPED-Mild/Mod Disability 7-12 

Visually Impaired K-12 

Requirements for adding supplemental endorsements can be found here 

General Eligibility Requirements for Admission to Teacher Education:

  • Students are required to have completed a minimum of 44 core credits depending on the department’s curriculum
  • Cumulative GPA of 2.75, a Core Curriculum GPA of 2.75, and a Praxis I passing score is required for students not exempt from Praxis I
  • To be exempt from Praxis I , students are required to have an ACT score of 21 or a SAT score of 1060 score or A minimum GPA of 3.0 on a minimum of 60 general education credits
  • Signed Core Curriculum Review Form (must be signed by Faculty Advisor and uploaded in TK20)
  • All substitute courses must be approved departmentally 

  General Eligibility Requirements for Admission to Student Teaching:

  • Been admitted into Teacher Education
  • Completed all general and major department education courses
  • Transcript can not have any I’s 
  • Completed 114 semester hours (this may differ for music majors)
  • Have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.75
  • Provided proof of pass or fail on Praxis II, Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT), and Foundations of Reading (if applicable).  
  • Have a grade of “C” or better in all professional courses


 Student Teaching and Teacher Education Applications are available in TK20. Please do not email any forms to Teacher Quality. They will not be accepted.

Forms and Resources

Current Licensure Requirements:  The Mississippi Department of Education licensure guidelines may change without notice, and it is the student’s responsibility to remain abreast of current requirements.  Click on the link to view current licensure requirements: 

Background checks are required for all students placed in Mississippi school districts. 

MS Department of Education Code of Ethic and Conduct: Click to view brochure or visit the website.  

Mississippi Association of Educations (MAE) JOIN AS AN ASPIRING EDUCATOR

Mississippi Professional Educators (MPE)

Licensure Advisory Form 2022

MDE Code of Ethics Oath PDF

Professional Headshots  

Center For Teacher Quality


For more information, please contact us at:

Center for Teacher Quality

Mr. Michael Mozee, Director  
College of Education and Human Development, 2nd Floor, Suite 212
Office: 601-979-8666

Email Address:


Ms. Chandra Howard, Administrative Assistant 
Phone: 601-979-6330

Teacher Education/Certification Email Address:



Master of Arts in Teaching Alternate Route Program

Dr. Dennis D. Williams
Coordinator of MAT/Co-Director of STEM STAR Institute
Jackson State University
College of Education and Human Development
Joseph H. Jackson College of Education Building, Room 309
Office: (601) 979-2439

Email Address:

Ms. Chandra Howard, Administrative Assistant 
Phone: 601-979-6330

MAT Email Address: